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     Can you say, "Rule of Thirds" much? This is a railing with some pretty amazing texture. On the left is ice and then the snow on the deck to the right. I love the texture in this. Smooth, and then rough. I waited TWO DAYS for that sun to come out.
    I'd still like to find the point of this photo. I know there's something there if I keep going for different angles. I took almost ten and I'm still looking. I do like this one though. I love the detail in the bottom of the glass, however. 

     Gosh, I love depth of field. This is the ice taking it's awesome shape on my rooftop. I made sure the camera's aperture was set so only the sun pinstripe on the roof was in focus. It worked pretty well.


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    This blog is a display for Tim Scaletta's photography class assignments.